Posted by Ross

A Mobile interview

Hi everyone, long time no see.  Sorry about the lack of blogs recently.  I’m aware that we haven’t had much news to share lately, but hopefully that will be changing in the near future.

I did, however, recently have a chat with The Sixth Axis to discuss our experiences on PlayStation Mobile and talk about our upcoming PSM games.  You can read the resulting interview here.

Long term readers may remember highfvi’s quite frankly insane single player high score on our first full PS3 title Cubixx HD.  Well, he’s been at it again and this time he’s been taking the Co-op players on.  Playing on his own, highfvi smashed malock1’s high score of 46,330,370, scoring an incredible 137,151,763 and showing once again just how much better he is at Cubixx HD then pretty much anyone else on the planet.

Of course, beating highfvi’s amazing score isn’t the only challenge available on Cubixx HD and it was recently pointed out to me how few players have managed to collect some of our Trophies.  Now, we don’t think it’s that hard, but why don’t you see for yourselves (Go on, you know you want to! ^_^) and enjoy what Official PlayStation Magazine (UK) called: “One of the most gloriously addictive, knuckle-bitingly frustrating experiences you can have on PSN”.  Cubixx HD is available for just £6.49 ($9.99) on the PSN Store.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back next week, but until then why not on join us on our Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google+  pages?

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